The more I worked with sound frequency for healing, the more sensitive I became to the presence of other spiritual beings. These beings can affect the energy of your home, property, business and even your personal health. I created a unique technique to clear these energies and have been successfully working around the world to make homes and businesses happier and more profitable.
People call me the Ghost Busting Guru and my family is well known in the Real Estate biz. I keep the Real Estate know-how in the family by helping savvy realtors sell homes and businesses faster and for more money.

We have the gift of being able to identify and transform the energy of people, places and things and have been removing entities and crossing over “spirit people” or ghosts for more than 15 years. As we spoke of our experiences our reputations grew. Now we are sought out internationally for our expertise by Realtors and property owners who know that they have a problem. We have cleared the energies of people and properties in the USA, Canada, England, Ireland, Spain, Dubai, South America, Africa, and Australia, and we do this clearing work from our own offices!
Every situation is unique.